Anímate despertar de chamanes

by Inversiones Castellano Ltda.



Inversiones Castellano Limitada, in its interest in proposing new methodological strategies that favor student learning, has developed some applications for Tablet, mainly focused on children who are in Kindergarten to 8th grade.The educational video game application “Anímate”, in its different educational sections, seeks to promote the development of cognitive skills in each of the boys and girls. In this sense, “Anímate”, as a didactic resource, offers the possibility of evidencing the learning of the students in a different way from those that are possible to identify inside the classroom; articulating the conceptual approach based on activities framed in the dynamics of a video game.Although an educational professional will consider this material as a pedagogical resource, the first for the student is that he will work with a video game designed for Tablet, where the development of higher-order cognitive skills is implicit in the dynamics of the student. video game, promoting the development of autonomy and problem solving mechanisms and reading comprehension.